" . . . AI integration . . . " <-----is the operative phrase. AI actually means antichrist intelligence and the plan is to be IN your body.

Revelation Chapter 13

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This has nothing to do with your health. Actually, the allopathic model has nothing to do with your health either.

Job 13:4

“But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.”

King James Version (KJV)

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This is an awful bill and I hope it doesn't pass. It will put a lot of people out of work, but they don't care. Sounds weird and awkward, but they will work behind the scenes, who even knows what's up next in this demonically controlled world. I pray we are out of here soon.

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congressman your out of your fking mind putting ai in charge of MY 24 HR PAIN MEDS AS A repub you should be ashamed of your commie dick-tater ways

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Larry Ellison is an Ashkanazi Kazar Jew piece of Shite. He needs the Rope & Oak Tree Service

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The situation is far more dire than you realize. Your post is cross posted here (https://terral.substack.com/cp/157568736) with my warning comments. Terror Cell – Binary Bioweapon Activation Day can happen at any moment.

Begin here:

https://terral.substack.com/p/nasa-future-strategic-issueswarfare - https://terral.substack.com/p/using-our-nano-silver-video-part

Everyone is carrying around the SARS-VAX "binary" bioweapon components inside their bodies that are AI-assisted that will be activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses. People need to wake up and prepare before it is too late. Blessings, Terral


Project Stargate is a smokescreen op providing infrastructure upgrades for Super-AI running the Real-World Simulation in the Underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport. The Chemtrails + Drone-spraying Mystery Fog Nano upgrades allow every human and animal to be integrated into the AI-run Real-World Sim. Get more information from my interview (https://terral.substack.com/p/watch-the-full-tv-version-of-terrals).

You are being played: https://terral.substack.com/p/youre-being-played-trump-is-the-pied .

Get on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen (How To: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store) for neutralizing the binary bioweapon threats.

Wake up and unplug! Follow the White Rabbit: https://terral.substack.com/p/nasa-future-strategic-issueswarfare - https://terral.substack.com/p/using-our-nano-silver-video-part - Terral Croft

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Absolutely not grrr!

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Its really simple. AI can't be held accountable.

What are they gonna do, go after the corporations that spawned them? who will then just pretend the AI went Rogue and did it on its own?

If a biological person can't be held to account for what AI did, then AI should be relegated to doing only things that CANNOT HARM living biological individuals.

The people that think AI will make them gods are already too stupid to see the forest thru the trees.

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