Ivanka is a WEF Young Leader Graduate... thats ALL you need to know.

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I can’t understand those around me who still believe in everything he says 🤯..

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She can give my shot to her kids.

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More importantly give it to her democider in chief father. It’s so safe and effective I’m sure a 1000 doses would provide ample protection.

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“Drain the swamp” translation: cause genocide upon Americans. The Lord is cutting down the wicked vile heathens, and they are a swamp, they’re a cesspool!

27 The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

Proverbs 10:27

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Aside from what now appears to be the entire house of Isreal..all Jewish bioethics management..all isreali--jewish biopharmakeia thought leaders...isreali--jewish--herd management depopulation advocates...it is clear globally and nationally to many millions that deliberate massmurder by Quackzine injections did occur and still..is... in 2025* It is astounding that trumprat still boasts ...about being the "proud father of the Kill shots..the clot shots..the..Quackzines*. Hang Him and all weasal colluders*More war crimes against humanity..add de Santis if he passed any law imposing forced quackzinations..

All best to all fellow lab rats..but..THE Goyim Know*..... *REARM NOW**

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That's a really nice skate park you built between your ears for the Jews to grind away daily rent free all day everyday with big happy families, enjoying a higher rating on the happiness and democracy index than America, may it continue to be fully populated and may they grind with great gusto🤯


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Wow ! This is an absolute game changer in my Trump support. 🙌

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Jew thru & thru.

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Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


we are not talking about liberating our land alone



17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .

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Of course, he signed an EO in 2019 to "speed up and "modern"ize qiackscenes. They knew what was coming. I'm sure darpa had already created long before though.

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There is a reason the Greek word "pharmakiea" from which the English word "pharmacy" comes from is translated "sorcery" in the book of Revelation!:


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Put on your thinking cap. The initial talk about mRNA was about the platform, not the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine”. It is a distinction with a difference.

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Yes, mRNA vaccines have been in the works for many years, but most people didn't know about them until covid. This fact does not have anything to do with the safety or effectiveness of any vaccines. Your anti-science tirade is just you shouting how willfully ignorant you are. Vaccines are safe & effective! What is wrong with your mind?

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You’ve been captured by project mockingbird. You’re wrong but I know you will never admit it.

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I wish there was a vaccine against conspiratorial idiocy, but I know you'd never take it.

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Folks will continue to make excuses and talk about how great he is without fall.

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That stinks

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To paraphrase Timon, “Why am I not surprised?”

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Remember: Everthing tRump touches dies

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